Timber Slats Acoustics Kristoff Ver Eecke Director Print acoustics
Ref: Print Acoustics : New product Lefcoustics for
Skyline Event Space, Izegem, Belgique (summer 2019)
• New product for reverberation correction Event spaces
· Type Lefcoustics: Premounted panels with timber slats (absorption guarantee, low TCO because of quick mounting on site/…)
· System: Slats of 30mm (variable heights) in Timber Oak/ Hévéa/ Veneer preassembled on Print Acoustics AKOB-M acou panel with black acou fleece front and 50mm Rockwool behind panel
• Skyline Park Event Space ( level 10 SkyBar/level 11 SkyLounge)
• Architects: Govaert & Vanhoutte Architects
• Fitting : Woodstoxx
· In annexe :pictures: Picture rights Print acoustics: solely reproduction possible with subscript ‘Print acoustics by Triplaco’
The brand new business hub Skyline Park offers flexible offices and coworking spaces to rent. In the building there is also an unique Event Space on the 10th and 11th floor.
Developer LVDB Invest has put down a landmark building next to the E403 highway in Izegem. This Nearly Zero Energy office building of 50m high is developed by Govaert&Vanhoutte Architects. The new building is erected next to the HQ of Skyline Communications. There is a newly developed park of 30.000m² in end phase.
The tower has a magnificent view on the 10th and 11th floor over Flanders Fields and houses a SkyTheatre for corporate presentations, a SkyBar with outer terrace at 40m height and a SkyLounge. These are all rental spaces for seminars, training and cultural events.
This building has a timeless clean-cut design and also an austere interior with classy and durable materials.
Architectural concrete for walls and ceiling, combined with a window glass outer shell and a rigid furniture interior are is the perfect cocktail for a environment with very long reverberation times. The intelligibility in such an open event space is normally very poor.
Architects Govaert&Vanhoutte looked at different products to improve the acoustical comfort for the visitors of the SkyBar and SkyLounge. They found with the newly developed Lefcoustics of Print Acoustics (by Triplaco) a perfect esthetic and acou solution. The Panels are composed of solid timber slates (sections of 30mm width) premounted in factory on 44% perforated AKOB-M acou MDF core boards with black acou fleece frontside.
The USP’s of these prefabricated acou panels are that they come with guaranteed absorption certificate from independent Acou lab, that these panels have a low TCO due to premounted panels that are easy to install on site and finally the acou board prevents damaging of the acou fleece in case of wall mounting .
An excellent cooperation between owner, architect, contractor, installer and manufacturer Print Acoustics resulted in a complete finished project to open officially in 2019 to the acoustical satisfaction of owners, employees and visitors.
This realisation in a high end open office is a nice complement in the most diverse public and private projects where Print acoustics has been installed:
administrative centra (eg AC Leiespiegel, Tony Fretton architects) ,
congress centra (eg Micx Mons, Studio Daniel Liebeskind),
Hospitals – nursing homes (eg AZ Zeno Knokke, ontwerp Boeckx Architects, in consortium with Aaprog and Buro II & ARCHI+I), Auditioria (oa Deloitte HQ Auditiorium
Zaventem, Jaspers - Eyers Architects & A2RC Architects) , sport centra (oa Topsporthal Vlaanderen Gent, AVAPARTNERS) , School buildings (eg Vesalius HoGent, MKA Mark Koehler Architect ) … .
Print Acoustics, a division of Triplaco, is specialised in the development, production and delivery of acoustical timber panels for wall, ceiling, furniture and objects.
Our solutions are integrated in the most demanding interior applications. We co-design often with architects, installers, owners, … to find the most suitable solution for each room.
The Timber acoustical panels are composed of a acoustical black MDF core board, and a large choice of toplayers in HPL Abet laminati (536 colors in stock) ,High End Veneer Decospan , lacquer , woven vinyl Ntgrate or digital print finish.
Our Vision:
Print Acoustics strives to develop and produce the most efficient, stable and decorative acoustical absorbing timber products , based on the Helmholtz-principle. This to reduce the disturbing reverberation inside a room, caused by the human voice. In this way, we contribute to an improved acoustical comfort and a healthier inner climate in public and private buildings.
Our Mission:
Print Acoustics offers to the international project market a broad range of efficient, decorative and durable sound absorbing timber panels in standard sizes or made-to-measurement for each room.
These products, based on the Helmholtz sound absorption principle, are composed of a high quality core board and a decorative , resistant and easy-to-clean toplayer.
Together with our local partners, we guarantee the customer a personal approach of their project from prescription to installation.
Our Production and R&D
All acoustical absorbing panels Print Acoustics are developed and produced in-house. They are introduced in the Print acoustics range after elaborate testing in a reverberation room of an independent acoustical labo.
All standard and MTM acoustical panels are produced in the belgian factory.
The quality of the products is monitored during production and inspected before delivery.
Print acoustics production has a ISO 9001:2008 certification.
Kristoff Ver Eecke | Director Division Acoustic Panels
T +32 56 26 14 10 (direct) | M +32 471 57 23 33 | K.vereecke@triplaco.be
IZ Harelbeke Zuid C 2060 | Generaal Deprezstraat 2 | B-8530 Harelbeke | www.triplaco.be